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Dangers of Hazing
Joseph Devine
For many college Greek organizations, athletic teams, and select clubs, hazing has become an integral part of the recruiting process. Because many past members feel it is a form of initiation, the tradition has continued for hundreds of years and continues to thrive on high-school and college campuses throughout the nation. Hazing can consistent of many different activities including athletic competitions, eating contests, or dressing in funny or unattractive clothing. However, one form of hazing that is exceedingly dangerous and alarmingly prevalent is the practice of binge drinking.
Binge drinking occurs when a person consumes a large amount of alcohol in a small amount of time for the sole purpose of becoming intoxicated. There are several ways to do this beyond simply drinking glass after glass. Some organizations employ the use of beer bongs, keg stands, drinking games or shot blocks to encourage members to binge drink. Though this may seem like a great way to have fun with friends and get to know members of a group of which you would like to join, binge drinking can lead to serious, even fatal consequences and is more high-risk than any other drinking behaviors. The Centers for Disease Control reports that of all the alcohol consumed in the United States, 75% is in the form of binge drinking. Relating to driving and DUI/DWIs, binge drinkers are 14 times more likely to report alcohol-impaired driving than those who do not binge drink. Binge drinking can lead to the following consequences: Alcohol Poisoning Injuries, such as falling, burning, drowning, getting in a car accident, firearm injuries, sexual assault or domestic violence Acquisition of a sexually transmitted infection (or, STI) Unintended pregnancy Higher risk for liver disease (or, cirrhosis) Higher risk for neurological damage Choking from vomit Alcohol-related death Becoming a part of an organization is not worth putting your health or personal safety at risk. Hazing is illegal on most college campuses and law enforcement has become more vigilant than ever in punishing these offending organizations. Because the statistics are so much higher for alcohol-related accidents for binge drinkers, participants should realize the serious consequences of their decisions before getting behind the wheel of a car. However, mistakes can still happen and the law may be able to protect you from having your license suspended, incurring heavy fines, or jail time for a DUI/DWI charge. If you or someone you love was a victim of hazing and was subsequently charged with a DUI or DWI, visit the web site of experienced Rhode Island DUI lawyer James Powderly to learn how you can fight your charge.
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Dangers of Hazing