How To Eliminate Man Boobs}
January 26, 2020

Submitted by: Diane Crawford

It may be embarrassing and uncomfortable, but it’s an unfortunate fact of life for many men: Developing breasts… or man boobs.

If you’re a teenage boy who’s still going through puberty and you’ve discovered you have man boobs, you don’t have to worry. And you don’t have to do anything special to eliminate those man boobs either.

You see, man boobs develop naturally with adolescent boys, because of the major hormone imbalance that happens during puberty. It’s completely normal and natural, and your man boobs will disappear on their own within one to three years.

The same thing can happen in elderly men by the way, for the same reasons it happens to teenage boys. Hormones go crazy at certain times in a man’s life.


Now, if you’re a grown man past puberty but not yet close to being elderly, you may have found yourself growing man boobs too. This often happens when you put on a bit of extra weight. It’s caused simply by having extra fat on your chest.

If you’ve developed man boobs from gaining weight, you can eliminate those boobs by taking some simple steps.

1. Burn the fat. This may seem obvious to some, but it’s true. Eliminating man boobs caused by weight gain is easy to do by simply losing the extra weight. Now losing weight by itself might not eliminate the boobs… you have to actually lose body fat in order to lose the boobs too. And burning body fat is not always easy or quick.

Burning actual body fat can be done with some changes to your eating habits. Choosing fiber rich foods for instance, and high protein can help a lot. You also need to eliminate sugar and starch heavy foods too though, because these are actually the cause of you having additional body fat to begin with.

You can also burn enough fat to eliminate your man boobs by exercising. You can’t spot reduce the boobs though, since they’re caused by extra fat on your chest and there’s no way to exercise fat off of just one part of your body. In fact, if you try to spot reduce the chest area, you’re more likely to make the problem more noticeable. Since the fat sits on top of your chest muscles, over-developing those will simply make your man boobs stick out further.

Instead you’ll need to do some cardio, strength training and interval workout exercises. These all help your body burn calories, burn fat, and boost your metabolism – all of which are key factors to eliminating the man boobs.

You can also eliminate or reduce the appearance of your man boobs by developing the upper chest instead. Push ups are great exercise for this, because they build the upper chest area and this helps lesson the appearance of the man boobs.

2. Another way to completely eliminate man boobs is to have cosmetic surgery. A plastic surgeon can do a simple procedure which involves removing the additional fat from your chest area. This completely eliminates the man boob problem for you fairly quickly and easily.

3. Last but not least: Check your drug and alcohol usage. In rare cases some recreational drugs, alcohol, or prescription medication can cause men to grow boobs. By simply changing or eliminating these factors from your life, you can eliminate the man boob problems automatically too.

About the Author: For more information and tips on how to

eliminate man boobs

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