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By Deanna Mascle
I started volunteering at my son’s school when he was in preschool because the school’s director required all parents to do volunteer duty. At first I rather resented the burden especially when it meant giving up my lunch hour to supervise the school lunch room and recess. Now that my son attends public school I willingly give up four hours a week to help his teacher. What has changed my mind about being a school volunteer? There are three key reasons that I changed my mind about being a school volunteer and whether or not you are a parent these reasons should apply to you as well.
Unless you live in a cave or under a rock you are well aware of that problems that our society is facing today. Today’s children are in desperate need of mentors and role models to help them navigate the challenges life will throw in their path. Due to the high prevalence of broken homes in American society it is also important that children receive at least a portion of their affection and positive reinforcement outside the home. If you care at all about the future of our country, our society, and our world then you should care very much about providing this essential function in some children’s lives. Equally important, many children are simply not getting the support necessary for their academics from home. Public school teachers do the best they can but a volunteer can provide invaluable assistance with a little one-on-one work that teachers simply cannot offer. Many children need help with basics of literacy and/or math and having some special help might make all the difference in their future.
If you want your community to be a good place to live both now and in the future then you must do everything you can to make the schools strong and successful. Education is key to the future for these children but their future success and happiness will have a direct impact on the overall success of your community. One person cannot change the world but you can change your little corner of the world through some volunteer work at your local school. It is easy to think that there are people paid to teach our children and so there is no need for school volunteers but the simple truth is that there are so many demands on today’s public school teachers that volunteers are essential to school success.
You will find volunteering to be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Not only can you see a difference as a result of your efforts, but you will receive a tremendous emotional benefit in terms of affection from the students. I collect hugs from a number of students every time I visit the class and all the warm smiles and affectionate greetings I receive just warm my heart. That along makes my time worth while but it is very rewarding to see the children I work with learn and blossom. Some students just need a little extra confidence while others need a little extra attention, but I am just as excited about their success as they are. Chances are there was some special adult who made a big difference to your childhood. Isn’t it time you repaid that debt and did the same for a child?
If you have never considered volunteering in your local school then you should because it can make a huge difference in the lives of the children, it can be very beneficial to your community, and it can be good for you as well. Just a few hours a month can make a big difference in the lives of others as well as your own.
About the Author:
Renaissance Woman Deanna Mascle
writes about
and other topics at http://renaissancewomanonline.com
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